Are you interested in doing open courses? Are you a working professional and interested in doing a course along with a job? Do you know open courses are equivalent to regular courses?
Questions like these might be popping up in your head. You might be a bit confused about whether to go for open courses or regular degrees. Do not worry. Today we will answer all your queries.
Recently, University Grants Commission, UGC, has elucidated that the Degrees or Diplomas awarded for programs conducted by the ODL (Open and distance learning institutes) will be treated equivalent to a regular degree. The Commission has also revealed that the programs that require hands-on training, for example, engineering, medicine, dental, pharmacy, nursing, architecture, physiotherapy, and such other programs, will not be permitted to be offered under Open and Distance Learning mode (ODL).
The Commission also mentioned that the degrees of Open and Distance Learning institutions registered under the Distance Education Council (DEC) or the Commission, should be treated equally as the Degree or Diploma of the traditional Universities/ Institutions/ Colleges. The Commission declared so in conformity with the UGC Notification on Specification of Degrees.
The Government of India has contemplated Open and the Distance Education System to play a significant role in the future. The notification clearly states that the envisioned purpose of ODS can be fulfilled only by acknowledging the Degrees or Diplomas or Certificates awarded through distance mode equivalent to the corresponding awards of Degree or Diplomas or Certificates collected through the formal system of education.
The notification also states that the non-equivalence of degrees of ODL institutions for the motive of promotion or employment or pursuing higher education will be regarded as a hindrance to many students. It will eventually defeat the purpose of Open and Distance Education.
Some standards of instruction are also laid down by UGC (Open and Distance Learning) Regulations for the grant of degree at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels with the help of Open and Distance Learning mode.
The rules and regulations apply to those Universities referred to under clause (f) of section 2 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, an Institution Deemed to be University under section 3 of the said Act.
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Open and Distance Learning (ODL) provides creative learning opportunities by uniting teachers and students using a variety of media like print, electronic, online, and occasional interactive face-to-face meetings with the presence of a Higher Educational Institution or Learner Support Service to deliver teaching-learning experiences.
Similarly, Open University imparts education through Open and Distance Learning mode. It uses a variety of Information and Communication Technology educational aids like Open Educational Resources (OERs) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
Pros and Cons of Distance Learning Programs:
- Online Courses are much flexible. You can do it anytime and anywhere.
- They provide you an opportunity to graduate in less duration of time as compared to traditional ones.
- These programs make use of sophisticated technology, which helps you to become acquainted with the technology.
- The need to procrastinate can be immense when it comes to online education.
- Lack of individual attention and feedback from students and professors.
- The presence of so many online diploma institutes provides fake degrees to the candidates. Therefore, there are chances of falling in this loop.
Distance learning courses are majorly beneficial for the below:
- Working professionals: - It is best for professionals who are already experienced and know the basics of the industry.
- Homemaker:- It is good for people who have no time to attend traditional classes.
- Financial weak:- As fees are low in the distance as compare to regular courses so financially, weak person can also pursue courses in open mode.
- Discontinued Education: - Due to some circumstances, people cannot continue education through classroom attendance. It is the best mode for such peoples.
- Entrepreneurs: - Can pursue an MBA degree in flexible mode by distance learning.
- Upgrade career: - If you want to remain connected or upgrade career into the changing industry demands and be updated about new avenues and opportunities, then distance learning can assist you in this domain.